Power Standard Rectifier Diodes
Power rectifier diodes are designed to operate in rectifier units operating at relatively low frequencies: usually at an industrial frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz, less frequently at frequencies up to 500 Hz. For these semiconductor devices, the focus is on minimizing on-state loss power while providing a defined reverse voltage. The Qrr and ERQ values for such diodes can be very large, which generally precludes their use at higher frequency and in pulse frequency modes. Power discrete rectifier diodes are optimized for line frequency, have low on-state losses, and are capable of handling high currents, extensive experience of using the devices in various industries. Power Standard Rectifier Diodes are typically used in various power rectifiers, such as welding and electroplating equipment, uncontrolled or semi-controlled rectifier bridges, to prevent the detrimental effects of switching overvoltages. All disk-type (capsule type) rectifier diodes presented on this site have a standard press-pack type ceramic housing. They are pressed with a relatively high force into heat-sinks which also serve as electrical contacts to the diode terminals. The rectifier diodes available on AS ENERGITM website have the following parameter ranges: the forward current rating IFAV ranges from 200A to 12000A (12kA), and the range of reverse blocking voltage VRRM is from 200V to 10000V (10kV). Today, Power Rectifier Diodes are a key component in high-power rectifiers, soft starter, power supplies, AC/DC switching, rectifiers for large AC drives, aluminum smelting and other metal refining as well as trackside supply.
Key Features:
AS ENERGI GLOBAL LLC’s Power Standard Rectifier Diodes are the perfect choice for industries seeking efficient, reliable, and long-lasting solutions for power regulation and conversion. Trust in our products to provide the stability and performance required for critical applications in today’s fast-paced technological landscape.